This page includes an example of the elements you can include in your posts and your pages with Bayou Theme1.
Header 1
Header 2
Header 3
Header 4
Header 5
Header 6
This is bold text and italics text and bold AND italics.
Strikethrough text.
Here is an example link.
Blockquotes are a great way to include quotations or callouts from your post.
You may like to have inline code
Here’s a simple code box:
Any code, any language.
Here’s a language defined code box:
.page {width: 100%;}
- This is an unordered list
- This is an unordered list
- This is an unordered list
- This is an ordered list
- This is an ordered list
- This is an ordered list
This is a paragraph with a *note* class.
This is a paragraph with an *alert* class.
You can use horizontal rules:
FontAwesome support:
And you can insert images:

This is a footnote. ↩︎